The Top 13 Signs You Should Have Bought Flood Insurance 13> That 25-pound carp in your boxer shorts. 12> You get in a shoving match for the couch with your tropical fish. 11> You can't decide what's chaffing you more - your wet underwear or that damned Willard Scott and his friggin' weather map. 10> Those "Amazing Growing Dinosaurs! (Just Add Water!)" of your kid's have reached 30 feet in height and are still growing. 9> Kevin Costner spotted scouting locations nearby. 8> The electric shock from your vibrator wasn't quite as erotic as you thought it would be. 7> That noise downstairs? Your Barcalounger bumping against the ceiling. 6> Your goldfish now gets his own food from the pantry. 5> That neighbor with the new boat wants to know if you happen to have a spare mated pair of lemurs. 4> Screw the spa -- you've got a soothing mud bath in the family room. 3> Tidy Bowl Man gets a travelling jones and sets sail down the hallway. 2> Your toaster suddenly has a rinse cycle. and the Number 1 Sign You Should Have Bought Flood Insurance... 1> As manager of the Mustang Ranch, you now insist that your clients wear *both* kinds of raincoats.